Monday, June 15, 2009

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Session 5: assignment one

-products' name
-products' type
-suppliers' name
-suppliers' location
-suppliers' discount given by them

Data Base management system is a special type of software for crearing, organising and assessing data from a data base. It is a centralization and management of data in a logical way so that web browers can retrive and update the data from DBMS.
In the above example, data is stored in tables made up of one or more colums with unique data while the value from each colum of a data is called recordor row.
As the data is created, organized ,grouped, pdated and retrieved in a logical manner, the colum of the data or the special field must not be duplicated but correct and complete so that the data can be analysed and retrieved to be the meaningful data.

Session 4:Assignment one

HSBC provides different kinds of financial services to different customers including retail and privating banking.
Internet marketing has nowadys placed more role in servicing its customers. It provides 24 hours of services in which the two ways of commumication further deepens the relationship its customers and the company.HSBC online marketing allows the exchange of opinion and data through the onlie survey and blog, for instance.
Whenever ther are new products and services on market, those products and services can be promoted effecticely.
On the other hands, it is a pull market that the users usually begins the process of contacting the company.They often seek information on the web site and pull the market message towards them.Some forms of online marketing communication can succeed in catching and hloding the users' interest by video, RSS, widget and mobile marketing, for instance.
HSBC's RSS provides its customers a standard way of software programme to check a series of RSS feeds for new items on an ongoing busioness. Hence, the uesrs can see any latestupdates without visiting each of the website themselves.
The RSS and widget regarding forex and data of investment funds, for example, provide fast and accurate financial data to its customers.
Whenever the customers use the HSBC web site, the extensive data about every customer can be recorded, collected and analysed in terms of the perception of products and services.
For the past two months while the investment market tuned better, for example, the HSBC market intelligence found out that the age group between 40 to 55 was the largest group who shown interest in investing on Hong Kong and China stocks.At the moment , they are the target customers who enjoy more privilege and discount when using its securities' account.

Quality Health Care has long provided its quality medical srvices to customers. However, its internet marketing has room to improve.
Quality Health care is the clinic where its business hours work mainly on day time.
With the limited resources and a sudden increase in extra demand of its services in the current time of out break of H5N1, ther are long waiting list over the clinic while it telephone hotline and internet onlie for booking are usually engaged and busy.
With the upgraded of its internet marketing including increase of its capacity, the use of RSS, maship and widge, there is expectation that its overall medical services can be greatly imoroved. The customers can communicate with the company through different web channels and at different time.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Session 3 Asignment one

Client's table
-customer name
-date of birth
-marital status
-income & wealth
-contact (tel , email address)

Incident table
-level of satisfaction
-complaint if any

If a client uses the same airline the second time, the client will be more satisfied in case the client's represetative knows the client genral personal data. The client does not need to spend much time to explain his preference such as his preference sitting close to the exit door.
If the customer is satisfied with the service, he will have high chance to use the same airline again and introduce his friends to use it.
With this words of mouth which is free the advertising and increase of the number of clients in long term, the revenue of the airine comany will increase.

-how frequent of the client fly in a period such as a year, a month or a week
-set the guideline of the normal,frequent and very users
-As for frequent users, invite them to be general members
-As for the very frequet users, invite them be Royal members in which they are the main target group to be promoted that more discount and benefits are given to them in order keep them using the airline in long term. They are the main target group clients to bring the highest revenue to the company.

-Questionare is given to clients s as to understand their preference and disstaisfication so as to increase the service's standard and revenue as a result.
-Questionare of the questions include the followings:
level of satisfaction in general
level of satisfaction to employee
level of satisfaction to hotline
level of atisfaction to cabinet
level of satsfaction to service's standard, etc

Single software package and centalized database brings real time or fast data transmittion so that all the customer's data can be updated as fast possibe.
Different departments including sales and marketing can cooperate effectively.
Effective analysis and marketing can be done.
The customer will be more satisfied to the service
Reduce the marketing cost incuding acquisition and retention cost due to the spread of large turnover
lower churn rate
Achieve operational excellence
Develop new products and services such as the side business including the holiday trips run by the same airline company
Improving decision making
Promote competitive advantage
Ensure the survival of the airline company
Keep the business growth and renovate